CGI of the proposed development

Sustainability and Ecology

Sustainability has been a key part of the original Oxford City Council Development Brief and Marick Real Estate’s proposals since the outset. Staycity and Makespace fully support sustainability initiatives.

The key aspects are:

  • Zero fossil fuels on site. No gas
  • A building which has a 40% improvement of 2021 Part L of the building regulations which relate to energy use and performance, which is a significant and sustainable enhancement.  This is a very high target and higher than most industry averages
  • EPC A rating
  • Thermally efficient and airtight building
  • Planned enhancements to biodiversity on the site
  • Sustainable technologies – Air Source Heat pumps, Photovoltaic (solar) panels etc
  • Carbon embodiment, circular economy plan and efficiency studies to manage the amount of embodied C02 in the development
  • BREEAM “Excellent” rating
  • Carbon embodiment studies

The team will fully consider how further improvements can be made to the scheme in consideration of Oxford City Council’s declaration of Climate Change Emergency and aspiration to improve on sustainability measures.

Makespace will target support for groups promoting community led solutions to the climate emergency and tackling the cost-of-living crisis and rising inequality. Makespace also holds a dedicated programme, as part of this wider commitments to Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EED&I) on “meeting the ecological crisis” which can be read in full here:

We are targeting a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating, which is a sustainability assessment model.